Krispy Kreme Donut Hole Kabobs

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Krispy Kreme Donut Hole Kabobs
These Donut Hole Kabobs are so cute, and they’re really good too!  They’re so easy to make, and they’d be great at a party, when a few friends are over, or a family gathering.  No matter when you decide to serve these, they’re sure to be a favorite.  They’re fun to make, and fun to eat.  Make sure you put this one in your favorites! 

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2 Dozen Donut Holes

1 package of Strawberries

1 16 ounce container of Cream Cheese Frosting

1 package of wooden BBQ Skewers

1/2 cup of White Chocolate – melted

Red, White, and Blue Sprinkle Mix


2 cups of Powdered Sugar

5 or 6 drops of Vanilla Coffee Creamer

3 or 4 drops of Blue Food Coloring Gel


Place the Strawberries in a Colander, and rinse well under cool water. Lay on paper towels to drain.  In a Medium size bowl, mix the Powdered Sugar, Coffee Creamer, and Blue Food Coloring Gel, and stir well to mix.  If the Glaze isn’t bright blue enough, add a few more drops of the Food Coloring Gel, and stir well to mix.  Drop the Donut Holes into the Blue Glaze, and lay on a Parchment Paper lined Cookie Sheet to allow the Glaze to set, or firm.  When all the Donut Holes have been dipped, place the Cookie Sheet in the Refrigerator.  If the Donut Holes need to be dipped again to make sure they’re bright blue, let them get cold in the refrigerator, and dip them again, then place them back on the parchment paper, and back in the refrigerator. 

When the Glaze is set on the Donut Holes, open the container of Frosting and place the Frosting in a pastry bag with a star tip. Cut the Strawberries in half, length wise, removing the green stem.  When ready to assemble. 

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Place a Donut Hole on the Skewer first, then pipe the Frosting underneath, and Skewer a Strawberry, and repeat until you have three Donut Holes, and Three Strawberries between Frosting on the Skewer – see photo. 

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Lay the Skewers on a Parchment paper lined Cookie Sheet.   Melt the White Chocolate in the microwave, and drizzle with a spoon over the Skewers.  Immediately Sprinkle the Red, White and Blue Sprinkle Mix over the Skewers, allowing it to stick to the melted White Chocolate. 

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Place the Skewers back in the Refrigerator until time to serve.  Serve, and Enjoy!
Makes 8 Skewers

NOTE:  I used Krispy kreme Donut Holes.  You can use Cake Donut Holes, or Glazed Donut Holes, and any brand you prefer.

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