Peppermint eggnog

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Celebrate the Holidays with Peppermint Eggnog

The holidays are here and what better way to get into the spirit of the season than with a delicious, unique twist on a holiday classic—peppermint eggnog! This creamy, sweet drink is sure to bring a festive touch to any gathering. Let’s take a look at how you can make your own peppermint eggnog this Christmas season.

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Making your own peppermint eggnog is surprisingly simple. All you need for this recipe are:

  • one cup of traditional eggnog
  • 1 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
  • 4 drops of Monin peppermint syrup
  • 1 small, crushed candy cane (about 1 tablespoon)

Mix all of these ingredients together in a pan and cook on the stove until candy cane pieces are melted. Remove from the stove and pour into a glass.

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The last step is to chill your finished eggnog in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours before serving (though it tastes best after 8 hours). When you’re ready to serve it up, pour it into glasses and garnish each glass with some freshly grated nutmeg or crushed candy canes for an extra-festive flair!

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Conclusion: Peppermint eggnog is a delicious twist on an old favorite that will be sure to get everyone in the holiday spirit. Its creamy texture and subtle hint of peppermint make it an ideal beverage for any winter gathering—and easy enough that anyone can whip up their own batch with just a few ingredients! So why not give this unique recipe a try? Your guests are sure to love it! Happy holidays!

Be sure to try our variety of hot chocolate and eggnog recipes below:

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